April 24, 2020

Guide to the Classes in the Lord of the Rings Online

The Guide is up to date with: July 2020 (Update 27)

Latest Changes to the Guide: Fixed formatting issues. Note: this guide was made with an old formatting system. I plan to make a new guide for 2021 with updated formatting and a new, long-lasting home page!

Latest major class changes: Update 27.2 brought changes to some gameplay mechanics. Read more: https://www.lotrobasics.com/2020/07/u27.2-rundown.html.


This is a resource for the classes in the Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO). While primarily focused on new players, the guide may also serve more experienced players looking for more knowledge on their class or other classes (and perhaps how to share their own information). The goals of the guide include:

·       InformationContain up to date information on all of the classes in LOTRO

·       Guide - Directing players on a class you may enjoy based on playstyles and fantasies

·       Resource/Database - Provide an informational base of all classes in a single page, for easy viewing and reference, including links to resources for the individual classes

April 23, 2020

Reviving LOTRO Basics.... Again!


LOTRO Basics will be returning in 2020! Due to my apparent need to make content for LOTRO and my inability to work on videos or streams as I have in the past, I decided to resurrect LOTRO Basics after it fell in battle a couple years ago. This post will go over my plans for the website and series.